Sunday, August 2, 2009

What happened to Auschwitz after it was liberated in Jan '45?

Did they make it into a hospital right away, or a refugee center? Or, was it immediately sealed off and condemned? Did any of the local Poles scavenge the site looking for anything they could use for their dreary post-war lives, like wood, cloth, or worse, gold teeth?

What happened to Auschwitz after it was liberated in Jan '45?
When the Nazis heard that the Soviets were coming, they blew up the camp in order to hide their crimes. They burned their papers. They evacuated the camp; about 60,000 prisoners were forced on a death march to to the city of Wodzislaw in the western part of Upper Silesia..."SS guards shot anyone who fell behind or could not continue. Prisoners also suffered from the cold weather, starvation, and exposure on these marches. More than 15,000 died during the death marches from Auschwitz. "

Those too weak or sick were left behind. The Red Army liberated about 7,500 on Jan 27 1945.


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