Sunday, August 2, 2009

Charity for Americans in need of humoUr transplant, help?

Today I have invented the AINOAHT: Americans In Need Of A Humour Transplant. These poor unfortunate human zombies believe everything their government and media tells them. Living their lives TOTALLY in fear!

They work incredibly long hours and ask no questions for fear of being sacked and their families forced to beg at churches!

They are FORCED to shop for things they DON'T NEED or really want, but can't resist the idea of 4 seperate payments of $19.95, or a one off payment of $19.95.

Their media has them completely in fear daily, of being robbed outside their homes by large African Americans with gold teeth, African Killer Bees, White powder seeping under their doors and the cracks in their windows, and a terrible fear of being shot from a parked car in a gas station.

94% of Americans have a bunker in their back garden filled with enough cans of beans to feed an entire borough in NY for 17 years. Please Please Please help.

Just £1 can pay for 44,000 Brain Transplants!

Charity for Americans in need of humoUr transplant, help?
Hey I got a couple questions for you if you have the balls to answer them...

!) why do you hate americans?

2) why are british people like you so arrogant??

You pussy!! I bet you wont respond
Reply:Well, you failed, I guess someone else will have to provide the US with some humor, because you are not equipped, thank you for reminding me not to watch British films,
Reply:While you're at it,you could earmark a portion of those funds for a Fix Our Teeth and Save Us From Fish and Chips Blimey fund for Brits.
Reply:Try not to let the fact that you have an abnormally small penis get to you.

loan forum

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